Monday-Friday 09:00-17: 00
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Sutienŭt - tova e chast ot zhenskoto bel’o. Tya predstavlyava "chashki" i prezramki, koito sluzhat za pridŭrzhane na gŭrdite. Ima naĭ-razlichni vidove, kato se sreshtat takiva ot dantela, pamuchen plat i drugi. Prezramkite mogat da sa napraveni ot vsyakakŭv lastichen plat, no mogat da bŭdat i silikonovi. Te se regulirat spored goleminata na byusta. Zakopchavaneto na tova bel’o stava obiknoveno na gŭrba chrez metalni kukichki, no ima i modeli s predno zakopchavane mezhdu gŭrdite. V zavisimost za kakŭv sluchaĭ vi tryabva, sŭshtestvuvat razlichni modeli - sportni, ezhednevni, po-efirni - za po-spetsialni sluchaĭ! Vsichko zavisi ot vashata tsel - ako iskate na vpechatlite nyakogo se nasochete kŭm dantelenite i po-nezhni modeli. Ako iskate udobstvo, to sportnite modeli sa podkhodyashti za vas. "Chashkite" sŭshto mogat da bŭdat razlichni. Vsyaka dama individualno pretsenyava dali zhelae sutien s meka ili tvŭrda gorna chast. Vŭzmozhno e nyakoi modeli da imat dzhobcheta za dopŭlnitelni podplŭnki ili baneli - tova sa tŭnki metalni ili plastmasovi dŭgi, koito sluzhat za dopŭlnitelno povdigane i udobstvo. Mnogoobrazieto ot modeli e golyamo. V nashiya magazin se predlagat naĭ-razlichni vidove, kato predlagame i golemi ot·stŭpki za vsichki nashi klienti. Damite, koito zakupyat bel’o i protektori za bel’o ot nas poluchavat ot·stŭpka ot 10 %. Ne se kolebaĭte, a razgledaĭte nashite predlozheniya. Ako se pritesnyavate, che ne mozhete da utselite razmera si - shte vi zaradvame! Predlagame tablitsa za opredelyane na razmera sutien, koyato sŭs sigurnost shte vi bŭde ot polza. Razpolagame s bogata gama ot tsvetove, ot koito mozhete da izbirate. Izberete naĭ-podkhodyashtiyat model za vas i shte se chuvstvate naistina seksi i zhelana. A kakvo po-vazhno ot tova za edna zhena! Ako iskate ne samo krasivo, no i udobno bel’o - tova e vasheto myasto! Bra - this is part of women's underwear. It represents the "cups" and straps that serve to hold the chest. There are various types, such as occur from lace, cotton and others. Straps may be made of any elastic fabric, but may also be silicon. They are governed by the size of the bust. Fastening of this underwear is usually done on the back by metal hooks, but there are models with front fastening between her breasts. Depending on what occasion you need different models - sports, casual, more airy - for a special event! It all depends on your goal - if you want to impress someone head to lace and delicate patterns. If you want convenience, the sports models are suitable for you. "Plates" may also be different. Every lady individually assess whether it wishes bra with soft or hard top. Some models have pockets for extra padding or underwire - these are thin metal or plastic arches that serve to further lift and convenience. Diversity of models is great. In our shop are offered a variety of species, offer great discounts for all our customers. Women who buy lingerie and underwear protectors of us receive a 10% discount. Do not hesitate and check out our offers. If you are worried that you can not hit its size - will please you! We offer table for sizing bra, which will certainly be helpful. We have a wide range of colors from which you can choose. Select the most appropriate model for you and you will feel really sexy and desirable. And what could be more important than a woman! If you want not only beautiful, but comfortable underwear - this is your place!
Maxi bikini body color 1011
Maxi bra without panels 1010